The Eagle’s Gate Portal is HERE!

You know the Lion’s Gate Portal, but did you know there are three other portals?

In August, the Lion's Gate Portal on 8/8 has become all the new age rage (put that on a t-shirt). I really loathe when little pieces of astrology and the likes become trendy and regurgitated fragile soap bubbles that float around the pop culture hemisphere, popping as soon as the next one comes along. The Lion's Gate Portal is an example of that. 

The Lion's Gate Portal is a real thing based on astrology and it doesn't always happen on August 8th, but it's sure cute when it's packaged up like that, huh?

Why are these gate portals significant?

These gate portals are midpoints between the seasons and they always occur at 15º of a fixed sign. The fixed signs are Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius and they're called the “fixed” signs because they are sturdy, sometimes rigid, and stabilize the middle part of a season. Whereas, the cardinal signs, Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn, mark the solstices and equinoxes, the beginning of a season. Lastly, the end of a season is flavored with the mutable, change-inducing signs, Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces. 

The ancient pagans loved to party, and hosting celebrations at the solstices and equinoxes just weren't enough, so Beltane (Bull's Gate), Lughnasadh (Lion's Gate), Samhain (Eagle's Gate), and Imbolc (Angel's Gate) were born. 

Here is a complete list of the Pagan Holidays as they relate to astrology:

Ostara (Spring Equinox) beginning of Aries season

Beltane (Bull's Gate) middle of Taurus season

Midsummer (Summer Solstice) beginning of Cancer season

Lughnasadh (Lion's Gate) middle of Leo season

Mabon (Autumnal Equinox) beginning of Libra season

Samhain (Eagle's Gate) middle of Scorpio season

Yule (Winter Solstice) beginning of Capricorn season

Imbolc (Angel's Gate) middle of Aquarius season

When are these portals?

Bull’s Gate - May 5-9 - Taurus 15º

Lion’s Gate - August 5-9 - Leo 15º

Eagle’s Gate - November 5-9 - Scorpio 15º

Angel’s Gate - February 5-9 - Aquarius 15º

What does the Eagle’s Gate Portal signify?

In mid-Scorpio season, the Sun’s journey takes a stroll into the dark forest graveyard where we are reminded of the mortality of all things. Everything in life is part of a cycle that contains light and dark, life and death. Scorpio is the sign of destruction and regeneration, not one without the other. Scorpio people often feel like they’re constantly knocked to the ground in order to rise up from the ashes and build again, stronger, fitter, and more aware.

In the thick of Scorpio season, we sit with the darkness and welcome death. In many parts of the northern hemisphere (cries in LA), beautiful leaves fall and die to become fertile compost for Spring’s new beginning. We also celebrate Halloween and Dia de los Muertos to honor those gone before us and renew the connection with those on the other side.

You may have heard the term “the veil is thin” and while the veil is always thin, it’s this time of year where our eagle eyes squint to see something we normally don’t (or are too busy to miss).

What can I do to honor or celebrate the Eagle’s Gate?

  • Make an altar for loved ones or pets who have crossed over

    • This can be as simple as a photo on a table with flowers, crystals, or things they loved when they were earthside

  • Walk through a dark, wooded forest or cemetary

  • Write a list of all the things you want to release before the year’s end

    • Bury, burn, or drown above list

  • Celebrate the fall harvest and preserve things for the winter

  • Use warm and low lighting to welcome darkness

  • Body and wellness rituals focused on purging and renewal

  • Wear black, switch to red wine, root vegetables, red meat, raisin bread

Thank you for reading!

My name is KJ and I’m a full-time consulting astrologer based in LA! If you’re reading this at the Eagle’s Gate Portal, it’s a good time to book a 1:1 session to prepare for the year ahead in your life and business.

Learn more about how you can work with me here.


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