Your Moon sign can help you through the holidays

If you're in the United States, there's a good chance you'll be spending more time in close quarters with family and friends you might not see often. The pressure of getting things just right and making conversation, add a dash of booze and very different personalities, it can be a tough recipe to make taste good.  

When I travel home and find myself in a blend of personalities, I find myself using the tips and tricks I encourage others to use as a professional astrologer.  Astrology is, in my opinion, the greatest tool to help us lean into compassion and understanding––of ourselves and others. 

Even when someone annoys the hell out of you, you can still look at yourself and look at them and at the very least, understand their wiring and why that is their reaction. This can help break down the walls of defense that keep us separate and in the "blame" frame of mind. 

When we spend a lot of time with our family, or when we're emotionally triggered, we're going to revert back to our inner child. And in astrology, our inner child shows up as our Moon sign.

Discover your Moon Sign

Go online and pull up an online chart calculator. This one is great because the names of the signs are spelled out!

Look for the glyph that is shaped like a Moon and the zodiac sign section where the Moon sits. Scroll down for a brief breakdown on what each Moon sign needs.

Use the Moon to be more forgiving of others

How can you use the moon sign to access more compassion for other people that you're going to be around who will grind your gears? The good news is you don't have to know their birth time to pull this but pull their birthdate.

When you discover their Moon sign, you can approach them in a way that makes them feel seen, heard, and you can defuse the situation before it's even started.

What does each Moon sign need?

Aries is excited at best and explosive at worst. If you’re the Aries, find ways to channel your big emotions effectively and don’t take it personally if other’s can’t match your level of enthusiasm. Make time for a good workout or long walk in the morning if you’re feeling antsy. Use some of your extra energy to help out in the kitchen or entertain the littles at the gathering. This might be hard to hear, but don’t make everything about yourself.

If you’re at odds with an Aries, they’ll probably say they prefer direct communication, but might be more sensitive than they let on, so be gentle. They like to get things going and don’t want to beat around the bush. Aries needs to feel independent, so give them the space they need to make their own decisions. Aries tends to let their emotions come up quickly, but they get over things fast, so try not to hold grudges and drag things out longer than needed. Thanksgiving 2024 will fall under and Aries Moon, which can make people with all Aries placements especially sensitive.

Taurus is reliable and set in their ways. If you’re the Taurus, give yourself the materials and time to stick to some resemblance of a routine. Carry things with you, like familiar scents in mini perfume bottles or wear comfortable clothes to find peace within your body when you’re entering a stimulating environment. Stay in your lane and when you have strong opinions about something, avoid those topics of conversation.

Taurus Moons tend to be opinionated and like their stability, so you won’t get far going up against one with an alternate opinion. They will die on the hill. However, they are patient and enjoy sensual pleasures and beautiful things. To defuse things, go for a stroll together or escape altogether and get a pedicure. If you need to ask someone to bring something to a gathering, you can ask a Taurus Moon because they have a lot of follow through.

Gemini is open and nuanced at best. At worst, Gemini won’t keep their mouth closed and will intentionally or (most of the time) accidentally let the cat out of the bag. If you’re making an announcement at a gathering, don’t tell Gemini Moon, thinking they can keep your secret. They will be so excited to be the messenger and at least tell one person and it could get around. Gemini might also get the table in trouble by initiating topics of conversation that can be more contentious. Before this happens, try to divert the conversation. If you find yourself in a tiff with a Gemini Moon, pull them away for a one-on-one convo to clear the air and move along to find an interesting activity to get into together.

If you’re the Gemini, find ways to keep your mind occupied that doesn’t harm or annoy others. Help in the kitchen, start a game, make a video interviewing everyone at your gathering for a journalistic archive of a home movie. While you might be doing your best to relate to everyone, try not to make all conversations about you.

Cancer is sensitive and caring, but when they feel too vulnerable or misunderstood they can close themselves off and become prickly. If you’re the Cancer, find your allies at gatherings––other water Moons and warm, sensitive people. Give yourself ample time away to decompress from big feels, even if it’s just lingering a little longer in the bathroom. Try not to take things so personally for the sake of your mental health and keeping the peace with others. If someone really crosses your boundary, try to have an objective conversation one-on-one and reach them in a way their Moon sign will accept.

If you’re up against a Cancer, don’t underestimate their ability to bite back. Cancers can get really defensive, so don’t poke the bear unnecessarily. If you’re in a disagreement, pull away from everyone and don’t get other family members involved. Cancers can be sweet as honey if they feel safe with you, so notice what side you get and it might tell you a lot about how they feel around you.

Leo is magnetic and knows how to light up a room. If you’re the Leo, prep your dinner party topics and jokes ahead of time to get that jolt of joy that comes from making people laugh and feel seen. You’ll fill your cup if you can make others feel important. Of course, find moments where you can enter a humble brag so you can subtly remind everyone you’re a VIP. If it makes you feel good, it’s ok to overdress. Bring a thoughtful gift and the host will love you–– generosity is your super power. If you find yourself in a disagreement, try to see the bigger picture and your role, rather than a skewed truth.

If you’re in tensions with a Leo Moon, you won’t get far placing the blame and things could escalate into a bigger drama. If you want to nip it in the bud, depending on the other person’s level of personal development, you might have to just say “ok you’re right” and move on to something else. Flattery goes a long way with a Leo Moon.

Virgo is frenetic and busy because they care about making everything nice for you. While they might not accept it, ask a Virgo if they need help and better yet, make it specific so they don’t have to put extra energy into delegation or teaching you how to do something. Tell them they’ve done a great job and show appreciation for the things they’ve put a lot of work into. If you notice the details, they will never forget it, even if they don’t have a huge outward display of gratitude.

If you’re in conflict with a Virgo Moon, beware of the power of their mind to psychoanalyze you and be two steps ahead while playing it cool. Trust me, they’ve already thought about your faults many times over and are prepared to deal with what you might throw their way. However, they’re extremely anxious in the face of conflict and might avoid it. Try to have a face-to-face conversation once you’ve thoughtfully gathered your points. Also, don’t leave their house a mess.

Libra is easygoing and wants everyone to get along, but they can be passive and avoid speaking up about things as a result. If you’re a Libra Moon, you might dread holidays because you know it’s a breeding ground for family conflict. Make time to do your own thing and cleanse your aura away from crowds of people. If you notice conflicts between other people, it’s not your job to run into the chaos and fix the situation, but if mediation is necessary, there’s no one better for the job. You can find your solace in making playlists, playing with littles, and dancing in front of the record player.

If you’re in a conflict with a Libra Moon, just know they’re probably dying inside and don’t want this to be the case. Try to have a calm and centered chat after you’ve both had a chance to unwind and gather your thoughts. Libra will appreciate putting everything out on the table and communicating as transparently (and as kind) as possible.

Scorpio can be closed off as a protective mechanism, but they know all the secrets and dynamics at a gathering––they’re taking everything in. If you’re the Scorpio, decide ahead of time who gets to come into your inner circle. If anyone is outside of that circle, don’t act less kind or charming, but keep your cards close to your chest so you feel safe in stimulating environments. Plan for alone time and perhaps even stay away from the rest of the family or at least have your own room to honor your energy needs and space.

Being in conflict with a Scorpio Moon is rightfully frightening, because you never know when and how they will sting. However, you can appeal to their watery side if you get them alone and start talking about psychology, deconditioning, and mysteries of the universe. It might take longer to crack them open, but once you’ve earned their trust, you will have it for life––until you lose it. Be vulnerable and they might start to open up to you too.

Sagittarius can be the life of the party and holiday travel might feel like self care on its own. If you’re the Sag, bring some good vibes in the form of a game all can partake in, party punch, or a grazing board with all the indulgences. Your personality will shine with jokes and taking interest in other’s accomplishments this year. If you’re the Sag, try not to poke too hard or say things you know could be hurtful, even if you mean well. You can easily avoid conflict by creating more fun and leaning into your more-is-more M.O. Be careful not to be too impulsive with anything and look before you leap to prevent physical and emotional injury.

Sometimes Sagittarius acts without thinking and if you’re in conflict with one, give them a chance to see where they might have done wrong and make it right before you react in a grandiose way. If you intimately say “you hurt my feelings” it will likely go over better than acting passive aggressively or calling them out in front of everyone. Sagittarius is likely to run away when encounters become too mushy or emotional, so keep it as honest and objective as you can.

Capricorn can be ruthless when emotions are involved. A Capricorn Moon might be emotionally constipated, and if you’re in conflict with one, you might feel like they’re heartless. The truth is that they might not even know what they’re feeling. The Cap wants to keep climbing the mountain and moving forward and if unnecessary emotional drama arises, they get annoyed very quickly. Try not to raise concerns with them unless they’re important. In other words, pick your battles.

If you’re the Capricorn, try to soften up a bit. Why you gotta be so hard? The Grinch’s heart grew three sizes that day and yours can too. I get it, not everyone has it together and does as much as you. If you have to, look at them with pity and it will get you closer to compassion than being condescending. If you notice that you have some feelings you don’t recognize, try not to distract yourself or numb yourself from them.

Aquarius will be sure to tinker with everything in the house. If your wifi or other tech is broken, out the Aqua on it. Aquarians care about others, but show it in a way that is different from other, warmer signs. If you’re the Aquarius, try not to shove your beliefs on others. They won’t be able to see where you’re coming from, even if you’re right. You see things in advance and others aren’t there yet. At other times, you can be dogmatic, so try to dip into your air sign side and take in multiple sides before forming an opinion. Not everything is black and white.

If you’re in a tiff with an Aqua, know that you might not win if they have a strong opinion. However, if you approach them with an objective and unemotional disposition with the reasoning behind your thoughts, feelings, and opinions, you’ll get much further.

Pisces is sweet and emotional. If you’re the Pisces, you likely have big feelings and might need to escape them periodically, especially if big crowds are overstimulating. Try not to booze too hard, but if you need to excuse yourself for a weed walk to find your center, so be it. For your own peace of mind, romance your day in your mind and drift off into a fantasy if your circumstances get to be too much.

If you’re up against a Pisces, beware they might slip into the victim position all too easily. Things can get fairly escalated and emotional. Try to meet them where they’re at and put yourself in their shoes if you have a hard time feelings things deeply. Bond over a shared beverage or joint and look them in the eyes to know they’re not unsafe in conflict and you’re not trying to hurt them. Be gentle, kind, and honest, but don’t let them get away with manipulation.

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How to align your life with the phases of the Moon


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