How to align your life with the phases of the Moon

The Moon has a 28-day cycle that encompasses the full wheel of beginning, middle, and end. The ancients have used the Moon as a calendar for more than 12,000 years (that we know of, but probably much longer). This natural calendar is still used in farming practices today, but most of us in the western world have gotten out of touch with mother nature’s ebb and flow. We’re expected to be “on” and productive all the time, which completely defies the natural rhythm of the Moon cycle.

Everyone is “lunar-attuned” but those with menstrual cycles and people with Cancer placements might be the most in sync with the Moon, whether they realize it or not. In that case, not working with the lunar cycle is actually doing them a disservice. If this is you, you need to get to know the lunar cycle so you can work with it in your life.

New Moons Are For New Beginnings

The Moon cycle begins with the new Moon and at this phase, the Sun and Moon are conjunct, covering the light of the Moon. On most calendars, this is the solid black circle, symbolizing the darkness of the Moon when it is new. This is a time of new beginnings, but not action. Think of this as the time of conception, but not birth.

Use the day of the new Moon and the following days to set intentions and welcome in new energy. This is a time ripe for goal setting, launching a course or product, or a grand opening. Energy is low, so eat foods that are easy to digest and don’t pack your work or social calendar too full, if you can help it.

The week of the New Moon is similar to the menstruation week of the menstrual cycle.

  • Write down a list of goals

  • Launch a new project

  • Start something new

  • Clean your house, refrigerator, sheets, office, etc.

  • Take it easy

  • Trust in the universe

When setting goals, try to think about how you want the results to come out 6 months later. Your goals are likely to come to accomplishment at the Full Moon of the same sign that the New Moon is in, 6 months later.

First Quarter Moons Bring Action

A week after the New Moon, the first quarter Moon brings just enough friction to get things going. The Moon is literally cut in half like one of those delicious black and white cookies from Trader Joe’s. At this point, the Sun and Moon are at a 90º angle from one another. In astrology, we call this a square and it’s a bit of a tense angle. We feel that tension as motivation to take action in our lives. So once you set an intention at the New Moon, start getting into a flow with your actions at the First Quarter. If you start to follow the Moon cycles, you’ll probably notice that things start to get quite busy around this time, and you might even feel like you’re juggling plates.

The week between the New Moon and First Quarter is similar to the follicular week of the menstrual cycle.

  • Hold meetings and have important conversations

  • Schedule events

  • Hard work, complex tasks

  • More workouts to release tension

Full Moons Deliver Results

Two weeks after the New Moon, the Full Moon brings everything into culmination. It’s hard to miss a Full Moon because it’s so big and visible with the naked eye. At this point, the Sun and Moon are at a 180º angle from one another. In astrology, we call this an opposition and we experience things in a full polarity, often feeling the divide between the head and heart. You might feel more emotional at the Full Moon because you’re able to see things with more clarity where you might have had on “rose colored glasses.”

However, it’s not all chaos and emotions. The Full Moon is a great time to celebrate your wins and goals achieved. Check back to the New Moon of the same sign, 6 months ago, and see if the things you were working on have come to fruition.

The week between the First Quarter and Full Moon is similar to the ovulation week of the menstrual cycle.

  • Pay attention to new information and redirections

  • Host celebrations and social gatherings

  • Examine the results of your efforts

  • Begin something that needs a lot of momentum that you’ve been planning for a while — like a wedding

  • Start physical cleanses (especially for parasites)

Last Quarter Moons Are For Releasing & Polishing

The last week of the Moon cycle, the Last Quarter the Full Moon brings everything into culmination. At this stage, the Sun and Moon are at a 90º angle, exactly the reverse of the first quarter, but still a black and white cookie. After the Full Moon is exact, the Moon begins to grow smaller and weaker in light. The final week of the Moon cycle is perfect for finishing things you started at an earlier time and putting the final polish on a work.

The week between the Full Moon and Last Quarter is similar to the luteal week of the menstrual cycle.

  • Clean and donate

  • Rest and restore

  • Nourishing movement and food

  • Edit and rewrite

  • Audit and release


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