New Moons of 2023

The astrological New Year begins when the Sun moves into Aries in March each year. We call this the Spring Equinox in the Western Hemisphere.

The monthly New Moon is always a time to plant seeds for a new beginning that will later come to full bloom. Although the natural first New Moon of the year begins in April and marks the true new year, I’m keeping this in sync with the Georgian calendar for now. The world just isn’t quite there yet.

The goals and intentions we set at the New Moon will come to fruition either two weeks later at the Full Moon (a bit unrealistic for big things) or at the Full Moon of the same sign as the New Moon about six months later (more realistic for big things).

New Moon Tips and Tricks

  • Make sure you set goals and make wishes after the Moon and Sun have officially come together.

    • This is rarely the same time as when the Moon moves into the sign where the New Moon will occur.

    • If you set goals, make wishes, etc before the exact New Moon, you will be working with the dark Moon and this is not favorable for new beginnings.

  • Avoid the periods of time when the Moon is void of course, which means it's shifting from one sign to the next.

    • This is a little bit advanced and I recommend this planner to keep up with it, but if you aren't that invested, make your wishes over the next three days after the New Moon and you'll be safe.

  • Don't set more than 10 goals.

    • You'll be better off if you take a larger goal and break it down into smaller goals.

    • Keep your goals aligned with a similar theme.

  • How do you know what to wish for or what goals to set?

    • Use the themes of the sign that the New Moon is happening in- consider the element, how the sign moves through the world, and the characteristics of that sign

    • Use the themes of the house where the New Moon is happening. If you're a Sagittarius Rising, and the New Moon is happening in Aries, the New Moon will most likely be in your 4th or 5th house!

    • Here's a quick rundown of what the houses mean!

Dates and times of the New Moons in 2022 Zodiac Year

Times are in EDT/EST

January 21: Aquarius 1°32’ 3:53PM

February 20: Pisces 1°21’ 2:05AM

March 21: Aries 0°48’ 1:22PM

April 20: Aries Solar Eclipse 29°49’ 12:12AM

May 19: Taurus 28°25’ 11:53AM

June 18: Gemini 26°42’ 12:36AM

July 17: Cancer 24°55’ 2:31PM

August 16: Leo 23°16’ 5:37AM

September 14: Virgo 21°58’ 9:39PM

October 14: Libra Solar Eclipse 21°07’ 1:54PM

November 13: Scorpio 20°43’ 4:37AM

December 12: Sagittarius 20°39’ 6:31PM

If you'd like a personalized overview of how each Moon will impact you or your business, it's a good time for a year ahead reading! Your business has a birth chart too!

Now booking for 2023! Get your spot here!


Full Moons of 2023


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